Éco-domaine La Fontaine à Pornic

Our story

Eco-Domaine La Fontaine,

Mother of simple joys, a land of shared experiences

A place that is an invitation to be yourself.
To reconnect with nature. To learn. And be happy.

From our ancient gardens to our future projects,

creating simple pleasures for everyone

is at the heart of everything we do.

Don’t forget to take some home with you…

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The spirit of La Fontaine

The Eco-friendly Estate La Fontaine is set in a lush garden overlooking the bay of Bourgneuf, with a bird’s eye view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Our estate, hotel, spa, and restaurant are located in Pornic, near Nantes, on the west coast of France. Once here, the soul of its centuries-old walls will take you to a place whose main objective is to reconcile man with nature.Here, we strive to create a balance between allowing nature to express itself freely and supporting it so that our permaculture vegetable gardens delight all of your senses throughout the four seasons.

Their delectable fruits and vegetables can be found on our restaurant’s menus, in the estate’s wines, in the herbal teas made in our drying room, and in the fruit and vegetable baskets offered in our grocery shop.

Jardin et Ferme

The location’s history

It started off as just a forest. The luxurious vegetation then welcomed a group of forward-thinking seminarists who set about establishing a farm and experimenting with self-sufficiency.
It was later used as a refuge for wounded soldiers during their convalescence and as a place of peace and tranquillity.
When the friars left the site, the farm, the crops and the animals stayed behind to provide a holiday and leisure centre for the children of the local area.
Since then, the estate has evolved without losing its original DNA.
The forest is making a comeback, and animals and crops are still present.
The doors of the Eco-friendly Estate will always be open to share and teach us about what nature has to offer.

The taste of happiness

Bite into a freshly picked tomato, sample pancakes made with eggs from our henhouse, savour a terrine, discover the flavour of pea flowers… Here, the garden is the beating heart of the estate, the kitchen, and of our team.

On your plate, we’re committed to sharing the small joys our gardens offer. Our kitchen crew is inspired by the passing seasons to produce recipes that highlight the work of our garden’s permaculture farmers. And if you feel like it, don’t hesitate to ask for the option to share our dishes. We’ll gather you around a terrine, a casserole, a platter… to share with everyone at your table.

papa peche avec enfant mare

Vineyards with a sea view

The vines surrounding the estate have been selected for their ability to adapt to this terroir and to climate change. They are the only vines in the region planted on trellis. You can see aromatic herbs growing at the foot of our vines – they’re there to create resilient viticultural landscapes inspired by the principles of permaculture.

The Permaculture Vegetable Garden

What is a permaculture vegetable garden? Permaculture is a growing method based on crop synergies. In our vegetable gardens, you’ll see beans growing at the foot of maize plants, so that they can be used as stakes, and courgettes also growing close by to provide shade in the height of summer… Yes, everything has been thought through to produce the best possible environment for all our fruit and vegetables, which are harvested by hand and grown without the use of any pesticides, even organic ones. Depending on the season, we grow different types of fruit and vegetables. We also have our own eggs, and various herbal teas made in our own drying room.
All products from the garden are available for direct sale in our grocery shop, open daily from 9am to 6pm.

Bac autonomes en eau
personnes dans les jardins initiation permaculture

The simple joys Educational Farm

Charlie Chaplin, our guinea pig, Jupiter and Gamin, our horses, Rachel, our star pig, and our rabbits, sheep, geese, donkeys and chickens are all part of the La Fontaine team. As part of our educational approach, you are welcome to wander through the animal enclosures of our beautiful farm. Don’t hesitate to go for a walk there. The animals on our farm contribute to the site’s circular economy, as they are fed with waste from the kitchen and vegetable garden.
During the school holidays, there are lots of activities for children to discover the animals at our farm in Pornic.

New Walls,
But an Ancestral Land

It is in our DNA to share what we experience here with the rest of the world.
By extending the walls of our charming property, we are writing a new chapter in the place’s history by boosting its capacity with the inauguration of a 4 star hotel… and a spa.
And in a setting designed for sensory exploration, our spa will allow guests to complete their experience of total disconnection and inner and outer bliss. Continue your exotic voyage in the hands of our wellbeing wizards for an amazing and one-of-a-kind sensory journey. This 300-square-metre heavenly cocoon, located between land and sea, naturally blends into a natural, peaceful environment… A multi-sensory getaway is guaranteed.
We have conceived and designed these buildings to have the lowest possible carbon footprint, from the initial design and choice of materials to their energy consumption.

hotel et spa bord de mer
équipe de La Fontaine soirée médiévale

The official suppliers of simple joys

Behind the Eco-friendly Estate La Fontaine is a talented team whose diverse abilities we hope to share and pass on through workshops open to all. Sit in the estate’s vineyards overlooking the sea with Arnaud, our vineyard gardener, and discover the benefits of trellising for vine growth. Take your first steps in permaculture with Mathieu, hands in the soil, sea spray caressing your face. Bite into a sweet pea picked straight from the garden with Anaïs, our market gardener…

Your visit to La Fontaine will also be an opportunity for an exchange of knowledge with the team who make this place so special.
Read more about the La Fontaine team’s adult workshops on permaculture, yoga and winegrowing.


From our ancient gardens to our future projects, creating simple joys for everyone is at the heart of everything we do.
Don’t forget to take some home with you…